Intuitive Development

Intuitive Development I


This training covers the fundamentals of intuitive understanding.


You will begin practicing intuitive techniques that help you tap into your greatest wisdom, while gaining essential awareness of how intuition arises within you and evolves as you deepen your understanding.


*Insights and Awakening

*Universal Web

*Extra-Sensory Perception

*Inner Knowing

*Faith and Action

*Ethics of Intuition

*Practical Opening Skills


and more…


Intuitive Level II

Along with Intuitive Level I, you will receive your first Intuitive Development Certificate.


In Level II, you will deepen your practices, expanding your intuitive awareness while uncovering any resistances that may be holding you back, ultimately opening you up more fully to your greater intuition.


Following this class, your tutor will mail you your first certificate.


*Receiving Intuitions

*Subtle Body Awareness

*Accessing Clairaudience

*Accessing Clairsentience

*Accessing Clairvoyance

*Accessing Claircognizance

*Intuitive Heart Wisdom

*Essential Foundations

and more…




Intuitive Level III


With Levels III and IV you will receive your Advanced Intuitive Development Certificate.


This training begins your advanced studies.  In this course you will learn the following:


*Colour Meaning in Intuition

*Chakras and Intuition

*Intuition and High Sensitivity

*Release Techniques

*Psychic Strengths

*Psychic Protection

*The Power of Gratitude

*Lessening Resistance

and more…









Intuitive Level IV

With Levels III and IV you will receive your Advanced Intuitive Development Certificate.


This last course in your Advanced Certificate will include:


*Intuitive Questioning

*Affirmative and Negative Responses

*Guiding Intuitions

*Deepening the Intuitive Heart



*Remote Viewing

*Precognition & Retrocognition

and more…







Intuitive Level V

This is an independent study that is agreed upon with your Tutor.  It is part of the full RIN program.  


It is a fascinating journey into the deeper levels of Intuitive Study and is poignant in unfolding the needs you explicitly have for intuition in your life, such as in wellness care, medicine, legal awareness, universal awareness, intuitive writing, advanced awareness work and more…


Your independent study is geared to the career you are presently in or wanting to create.  It is a marvelous opportunity to explore this with our professional intuitive team.

Integrative Intuition

You can also receive a full Diploma as a Registered Integrative Intuitive which will give your the RIN designation.


With an Intuitive RIN you can meet the demands of a growing community of people inspired by intuitive healing work.  Although you can graduate with an RIN Designation, you cannot join the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists with Intuitive studies. We have created the program such that if you add the REIKI trainings to this, you will then be able to join the ANNC.  Please speak with your tutor about this. 


Please see the RIN section, found on our homepage, for further details.

Intuitive Studies

Look a Little Deeper

To Sign-Up for an Intuitive Development Course please click on the Course List button.  To learn more about the Intuitive RIN Program, please go to the RIN page or click on the OUTLINES button below.