Course List of the CSNSD
Take One or More Courses at a Time or a Full Semester

You will come to understand the ethical concepts in mind/body therapies, as well as the development of your own crystal grid.
You will also have assistance in the development of high-quality Reiki training for your career as a teacher.
Reach out to your Tutor to sign-up.
Hot Stone Massage
This course is for individuals with massage training already.
Hot Stone Therapy is a popular natural therapeutic technique that promotes pain relief, healing, and energy alignment. You will utilize hot stones to heat your client’s body, relax muscles & ease stress, while also supporting greater ease in elimination of harmful toxins and body waste.
Click the image to sign-up.
Hot Stone REIKI
This course is for individuals with REIKI training already.
Hot Stone Therapy is a popular natural therapeutic technique that promotes pain relief, healing, and energy alignment. You will utilize hot stones to heat your client’s body, relax muscles & ease stress, while also supporting greater ease in elimination of harmful toxins and body waste.
Reiki for Small Animals
Practitioner with PETS
We love our Animal Reiki training and continue to receive marvelous feedback. Due to the importance of this training we will continue to keep the training affordable.
Following our Animal Reiki Practitioner program, you are entitled to study our Equine Reiki and Large Animal training!
Click the image to sign-up.
REIKI for Large Animals
Practitioner with Equine Focus
We are trying to make the Animal World a better place, one animal at a time. Join us! This training is provided to help you become the best educated Equine (Horse) or large animal Reiki Practitioner. Our Equine Reiki training was created by a Rancher, Reiki Master/Teacher and Educator with a Master's Degree in Adult Education.
Please reach out to your Tutor to sign-up.
Animal REIKI Trainer Program
Training Practitioners
This is the fabulous opportunity to learn to train other people to do what you already love to do! Working with Animals is such a privilege and a joy! Now you can reach out and bring more people to the community of those who can offer Reiki to Animals. We will help you each step of the way! From how to teach to what to teach and how to promote your classes in your community.
Click here to sign-up.

Shamanic REIKI
Coming in later 2025!
Intuitive Development I
Welcome to Intuitive Development Level I. In this first level you will learn the fundamental principles of intuition and how to surrender to this and the many aspects necessary in becoming an intuitive. Look at main menu above for Intuition details.
Click the image to sign-up.
Intuitive Development III
In this third level you will go into the fundamental principles of the Intuitive Claires! These are Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance. You will learn to develop these essential processes. Look at main menu above for Intuition details.
Click the image to sign-up.
Energy Therapies
The Art of Being Grounded
With Atherton Drenth
This is the most powerful grounding technique you will ever learn. Control your thoughts and feelings, calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, control fear, and enhance your intuition.
Being grounded means that you are in control of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. For the student of the esoteric and healing arts this becomes the fundamental base of managing your own energy fields.
Click the image to sign-up.
I AM Healing Meditation
With Mohmood Valimohamed
(IAM) is a unique healing program that can help to transform every aspect of your life. Through the IAM Program you can improve your health on all levels and ultimately achieve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance. You will increase your overall well-being very quickly.
Click the image to sign-up.
Applied Kinesiology
Muscle Testing and Acupressure Point Training
This is the perfect course for Energy Workers from any background. Muscle Testing (AK) is so invaluable to have as a technique to guide us in our work with others. This course will help you determine which organs and glands are in good order and which are out of balance. You can then apply your Naturotherapy and re-test. You will not be disappointed! A Certificate is provided for graduates!
Click the image to sign-up.
Chakras and the Living Matrix
with Earth Resonance
The Chakras and Living Matrix play a significant role in the process of really understanding how to direct appropriate healing methods and processes for the people who come to us for care.. How and why the Chakras, the Living Matrix and Earth Resonance support the healthy functioning of each of us is an essential part of the education of a Naturotherapist/Energy Worker.
Click the image to sign-up.
Energy Therapies
Energy Connections of the Glands, Organs and Chakras
With Self-Protection Awareness
Each Energy Worker/Naturotherapist needs to have an understanding of how each chakra is deeply involved in the health of particular organs and glands. They thrive in health together or they fall together.
Click the image to sign-up.
Counseling Fundamentals for Energy Workers and Intuitives
A great support for Energy Workers or leaders of any kind! We should all have counseling in our training. This course is a marvelous practical study in the art of being present to your client and more. You will learn to understand the continuum of skills that you can provide in sessions with your client and the underlying needs that you fulfill through your efforts, such as; opening and closing sessions ethically and effectively, meeting your client and releasing your client, etc. This course is an opportunity to learn more about the human and relational aspects of working with clients.
Click the image to sign-up.
Energy Nutrition
Whether you are an Energy Worker or an individual who wants to vibrate health, this course is a wonderful guide to claiming your frequency through Nutrition and healthy habits. If you are to do work with Energy Techniques, it is essential that you understand the foundations of your healthy energy frequency and can project this to your clients
as well.
Click the image to sign-up.
Energy Principles and Practices
Healing Awareness
Each of us who work with Energy should know the contents within this course. What is energy? How is energy moved and what are the variations of practices that are accessible to the community? Are illness and disease the same? What categories of Energy Practices are there and more..? You will learn the foundations of Energy Therapies in this course and be off to a great start in your Energy Practice.
Click the image to sign-up.
Energy Therapies
Qi Gong
Daily Warm-Ups for Energy Workers
You will learn to hold the life force energy strongly within yourself (videos) to help your self and your clients in the best possible way. Creating greater health, personal endurance, life flow, inner peace and overall body, mind and heart balance
Click the image to sign-up.
Qi Gong
Sounds and Emotions of the Organs
Energy Workers or anyone with a significant interest in keeping their major body organs cleared, will discover the sounds and emotions associated with each organ and how to clear them for improved health and life flow...release anxiety, depression & more.
Click the image to sign-up.
Resilience Training
Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Panic
Spiritual tools can affirm a 80% reduction in depression.
This training is unlike the typical resilience work to reduce anxiety, stress, fears, worries, panic and phobias. It affirms your wholeness and asks you to claim it.
Click the image to sign-up.

Spiritual Intuitive Healing
In-depth guidance for Healing and maintaining overall Health
Coming in later 2025!
Completion Courses for RIN Diploma

Ethics of Energy Therapies Practice
Unfolding Truths
With great clarity we are always to stand strong in our practice.
The values we have and the way we interpret the world around us ethically are a core support for our practice.
Please reach out to your tutor to sign-up.

Crisis Intervention
Being Fully Present
This awareness is essential to any therapeutic practice.
You will be happy that you are well prepared to begin your practice.
Please reach out to your tutor to sign-up.
RIN Semester Options
Semester ONE
Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. All supplemental courses ensure the positive evolution of your Naturotherapy practice.
Please click on the image to register for Semester One of the RIN REIKI Specialization Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.
Semester TWO
This is the follow-up to semester one. These courses fill a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.
Please click on the image to register for Semester Two of the RIN REIKI Specialization Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.
Integrative Intuitive
Semester ONE
he integrative intuitive program has been designed to take into any existing career or to flourish in a new career as an intuitive with Naturotherapy awareness. This training is one of a kind and any graduate knows that extent to which this type of training is helpful in the expansion of greater awareness in any area of life.
Please click on the image to register for Semester One of the RIN Integrative Intuitive Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.
Integrative Intuitive
Semester TWO
This semester you will further and deepen the great intuitive awareness that is already beginning to flow with ease. The awakenings are many and the utility of each training supplants itself into your awareness as support for any vision or mission.
Please click on the image to register for Semester Two of the RIN Integrative Intuitive Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.
RIN Semester Options
Energy Therapies
Semester ONE
Energy Therapies are to the Naturotherapist what remedies are to the Naturopath. Energy therapies are becoming known for their limitless support and their non-negotiable easy entry into the awakenings of the body to do their natural healing.
Please click on the image to register for Semester One of the RIN Energy Therapies Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.
Energy Therapies
Semester TWO
Energy Therapies are to the Naturotherapist what remedies are to the Naturopath. There are paths into each cell of the body that support its natural healing potential. Activating this process is an Energy Therapists training.
Please click on the image to register for Semester Two of the RIN Energy Therapies Diploma.
For details please click the three bars in the upper right corner to see the RIN page.